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Your Donation Makes All The Difference!

We are celebrating five years of making fantastic live performing arts! Our pay-what-you-will productions have allowed families who would otherwise never see great live performances see some AMAZING immersive experiences. Our ticketed events have invited audiences down the rabbit hole of an 1880s English Victorian mansion, a murderous 1950s manor house, and a fictional wild west town in Montana. And now we engage in a whole new adventure: live streamed theater! We are excited to innovate a whole new way to engage in live storytelling.


THANK YOU for your support of live stream theater! We look forward to bringing you more online magic!

We are always looking for help with sewing, painting sets, loading-in, even simple things like picking up things from the store. If you can volunteer, please click HERE and indicate what you'd like to do, and when you're available to do it.  Easy peasy!
While donations and sponsorships are nice, we are always looking for unique items for our productions. If you have furniture, clothing or object d’art that you are looking to donate give us a call at 844-387-7469 and see if we can use your donated items.
Individuals and businesses can receive the benefits of being an Experience Theatre Project donor by making donations of in-kind services or products needed by the theatre. Please contact Alisa at and we will gladly work within your budget. 
Oregon Arts Commission Logo

Proud recipient of an operating grant from the Oregon Arts Commission, The Ronni Lacroute Foundation of the Oregon Community Foundation, Miller Foundation, Marie Lamfrom Foundation, the Cultural Coalition of Washington County, and the Autzen Family Foundation. Thank you for supporting live performing arts! 

Experience Theatre Project

A 501c3  Non-Profit Professional Theater Corporation

Mailing Address: 6107 SW Murray Blvd. #320

Beaverton, Oregon 97008

Tel. 503-568-1765


© 2024 Experience Theatre Project. All rights reserved. 

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